
When we first came upon Robbie, he was desperately ill. This poor little boy was in a tiny crate at the shelter, just waiting to die. He was scrawny, filthy and very sick. His kennel cough was quickly turning into pneumonia. He couldn’t gain weight. He didn’t want to eat. He clearly was going to die.

As with so many other dogs, Robbie had a guardian angel. His angel was one of the shelter workers.

When our volunteer came to the shelter to take out some dogs, the shelter worker pointed out Robbie. Since we look for dogs who have the greatest chance of being adopted, Robbie didn’t seem to be able to make the cut. The shelter worker almost pleaded with our volunteer to take him. He was going to be put to sleep that afternoon. He had no other chance.

Reluctantly she agreed and took him.

Robbie was put into a foster home, where his condition continued to get worse. He was cleaned up, taken to the vet and given strong medication, but he just couldn’t eat — bad news for a dog in such poor health. He only weighed a few pounds and was so weak he had difficulty walking for any period of time.

The antibiotics he was taking had stopped working. He was still coughing. Now the cough got worse. Robbie’s foster parents were often up during the night holding him, keeping him warm and giving him as much love as possible.

Then one night, the worst happened.

In the middle of the night Robbie started having serious difficulty breathing. His lungs were filling with fluid. He could barely lift his head. He was in trouble.

When the vet saw Robbie and listened to his lungs, she was clearly alarmed. Robbie would have to stay at the animal hospital for stronger treatment than he’d ever had before. He was put on IV medication, given antibiotics and the best care possible. Because of his beautiful face and strong desire to please, even though he was so sick, he stole the hearts of everyone at the hospital.

Every few hours there was a new report on Robbie’s condition. For the first couple of days, the news wasn’t good. He would respond to the medication, but then he’d slide back. He was struggling for his life, but would he win?

Then came the third day. Almost with an attitude of “I’ve had enough of this” Robbie started to rally. The new medication was doing its job. He was getting better before everyone’s eyes.

On the fourth day, Robbie was still sick, but he was strong enough to go back to his foster home. Slowly he started to eat. Days went by. Then a week. Then two weeks. Robbie was out of danger. He was going to live! Now he had to catch up.

Because of his illness, he was just a tiny little pipsqueak. But he had an enormous spirit. When he saw another dog, he’d go right up to him to say hello, regardless of the other dog’s size. Robbie knew no fear. But that shouldn’t be a surprise considering the battle he’d just won.

Today Robbie is 35 pounds of pure joy. He’s a real party-dog, ready for a good time at the drop of a hat. He’s health, happy and just celebrated his first birthday.

Was he adopted, you might ask? He sure was…by his foster parents. After all the three of them went through, it was impossible for Robbie and his foster parents to part. He’s now bringing endless joy to his parents and to the other two dogs in the household.


Robbie’s Photo Album

robbie1 – Hey, can’t a guy get some privacy around here?


Time for a little snooze! – 


Come on Milo, tickle my belly again!!! – 


A beautiful, fully recovered Robbie with his pal Milo –